Tuesday, 24 November 2009


For those of you who don't know me...well I have always been a little on the psychic side, but never really let on :O Too much at stake in our homogenised world to let those who do not understand know and leave you open to riducule I suppose.

Well last night I decided that I would take a little trip into my subconcious and see what comes up. I did a sort of guided meditation/shamanic journey and ended up on a real cosmic trip without the aid of hallucinogenic drugs :D

I went to see if I could meet my guide who I assumed had been leading me to do all the painting that I have produced recently...everyone around me thinks I have gone nuts...but I am happier than I have been in a long time!

So anyway I did this "trip" and unlike everybody else who thinks that they have guides that are native american or chinese of something along those lines, my guide was a star, who said that she was the soul of the child I never had :( Boy it was powerfull and made me cry even though I also felt incredibly peaceful at the same time.

So now I know who my guide is...her name is Lula, it is Gaelic and means abundance. I had never heard of it as it must have gone out of fashion.

She wants me to tell children stories of how we have messed up the world, and how we can change it if we understand the universal laws that it runs by.

So off to the drawing board and writing page for me....I have a mission!

What fun to escape into childhood for a while :D

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