Friday 13 November 2009

Well yesterday I took some of my "doodles" down to the printers and had then run them through their colour photocopier. Wow they looked great, and even the guy in the shop knew what they were supposed to represent.

You see I am drawn to paint things which we can't see with the naked eye. I am not drawn to paint the thing that is right infront of your nose. I know that sometimes we can't see what is right infront of our nose :D

I have also recently had my Human Design chart done. That showed that I am a Reflector, meaning I am totally open to the enviroment and see things in a different way to most of humanity.

One part of my design leads me to find the "inner truth" and the other to "express it simply and precisely". Precission is not something that I am known for, but I am hoping that my pictures demonstrate simply, that we are not all that we see with the naked eye, and neither is the world.

The other "epiphany" that I had recently is that you should listen to your body. It knows what you should be doing with your life. My spiritual journey has lead me to learn Massage, Reiki and EFT for instance. At the moment though every time I try to do a massage my back gives out.

My body is trying to push me in another direction, and when I listen to it, I am amazed. I had no idea so much artistic ability was within me.

So the moral of the story, listen to your body. It knows what is best for you.

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